Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Voices from Gaza

Zakeya Shabit, grandmother, patient at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza: “During our Ramadan feast, the Israelis shot at a school near our home. Four of our bed-rooms and our kitchen were demolished. My brother was killed. My nephew was shot at her neck. 6 donums of our land were uprooted. We call God to interfere.”

Hanniyeh, nurse at Al Ahli Arab Hospital: “During an invasion we cannot reach our kitchen to get water, because it is near the area of shooting. They shoot at anything that is moving. So the family gathers in the center of the house to have as many protecting walls around them as possible. Anyone can be killed at any time. We started taking shifts in sleeping, because sometimes they knock at the door at night, and if we do not hear them they may shoot the whole house. Even if I smile, my heart is suffering! May God help us!”

Imm Alla’, patient at Al Ahli Arab Hospital: “I want to understand one thing: Are human beings divided into classes? Are not all people human beings? Are Moslems, Christians and Jews different from each other? Are we as Moslems second class human beings? Why should my mother have to grieve and cry? Would you agree if someone was to take you out of your house? Kill your son? Take your water? Bulldoze your trees, your land, your house? Where are our human rights???”

Imm Ahmed, patient at Al Ahli Hospital: “We cannot continue to live in fear our whole life. Fear has become a common feeling. When the airplanes are bombing we prepare ourselves for death.” “We are the living dead! Better to die than to live like this. Enough! They have taken the land and we are left and forgotten in Gaza. There is no hope! We only want to live in peace!”
“The psychological pressure causes headaches and affects our eyes. We are all psychologically ill. I am here in the hospital because of the situation. I believe my illness is a direct result of the psychological impact of the shelling and bombings. We cannot take it any more!”

Dr. Maher Ayyad, medical director at Al Ahli Arab Hospital: “The voice of peace is weak in this land. It should be strong and the whole world should encourage the people of this land to make peace. People should be more open and believe that this is the land of God which was given to all of us. We can live together. They cannot dismiss all Palestinians, and we cannot dismiss all Israelis. Let us live and grow together. Killing will not solve anything! All who draw the sword will die by the sword! Let our children grow in a better atmosphere! Let us make this land the Holy Land!”

Suhaila Tarazi, director of Al Ahli Arab Hospital: “The Arab Christian can be a mediator between the Jews and the Muslims, the West and the Middle East. For us Christianity is peace and love for everybody. But we fear that Jesus will not find one single follower when he comes back. The Church should help the Christians to stay here. This is the land of Christianity and all His followers. Christians should be here to help and give a good example of Christianity.”
“But where is the conscience of the true Christians in this world? It is very dark in here. I do not see any hope. The situation has deteriorated in a way I cannot describe. In a week’s time 48 people were killed.”
“Israel has the right to security. But it does not have the right to excessive weapons. They are empowering Hamas.”
“It seems that Israelis have no sense of guilt about what they have done to the Palestinians. The Jews have suffered so much and I feel with them. But why do they victimize other people? Will not any person who was once poor remember the value of a piece of bread and give it to the one in need?”

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