Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Time is Running Out

Last month King Abdullah of Jordan spoke in front of the US Congress. His message was essentially that time is running out for a peaceful settlement of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. Progress must be made soon on finding a just solution or the situation will begin to go downhill rapidly. Congress in its wisdom promptly ignored him. Perhaps they felt that he should be satisfied with the opportunity to speak in front of this august body of pontificating politicians. In this respect Congress is following in the footsteps of President Bush who completely ignored the Iraq Study Group when they said that the road to peace in the Middle East runs through Jerusalem. As I have wandered around the Middle East for the past week and a half, most of the conversations that I have had would confirm King Abdullah’s opinion - time is running out. As the economic, political and security situation continues to deteriorate under occupation and economic boycott in the West Bank and Gaza, the frustration, loss of hope and anger within the Palestinian population is growing daily. Stories of nine hour trips from Nablus to Jerusalem (an 1 ½ hour trip without check points) in which only westerners get to finish the trip and Palestinians must turn back are frequent. At the King Hussein Jordan/Israel border crossing I met a young doctor from Columbus, Ohio, who was on her way to see her parents in Ramallah. She said that it was entirely possible that she would be denied entry altogether. As I proceeded through the 2 hour labyrinth of Israeli border security, she disappeared. I have no idea what happened to her. A Palestinian shopkeeper who I know in Bethlehem said “2008 will tell. The wall/security fence will be completed. The Palestinian Territory will be divided into Bandustans. Everything will be more difficult. We shall see; I am not optimistic”. My Palestinian driver in Jordan feels that it is already too late. He says “There will be no peace. Both people will continue to suffer”. An Israeli Palestinian said “If something doesn’t change soon Israel/Palestine will become another Iraq”. This scenario is Israel’s worst nightmare. Twenty percent of the Israeli population is Arab Palestinian. To date they have largely confined their protests to the political arena. Should the palpable anger that was in the voice of this young man boil over into violence, he may well be right. When a German journalist who has been here for over 2 years was asked if he saw any hopeful signs, he paused for a long time and then said “Only the patience and hope of the Palestinian people gives me any optimism”. Palestinians continue to use the word “hope”, but there is no longer the light in their eyes. Time is running out!

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